Drum recordings by Robin Staudenmaier. Guitar, bass, vocal recordings ; mixing and mastering by Jürgen Rehberg at Mallet Studios Wiesbaden. Cover Artwork: Sibylle Obert, Pictures: Eric Immerheiser & Carsten Simon. All songs written and produced by Mallet.
Mallet THX: Sibylle Obert (artwork), Eric Immerheiser & Carsten Simon (pictures), Markus Teske (Bazement studio- thanx for all your technical support), Erik Dünzl (Website), Ben Van Cauwenbergh & all the boys and girls of the Aalto Ballet Company, Magnus guitars, Andy Knapp (guitar service), Frank Radtke (repairs), Michi Schmitt (shirts), Jupp (merch), Maciek (fanpage), Ricky Thunderfoot Lee (for his golden ears and musical advices), Stefan Keul (for kickin` our asses again and again). For sponsoring: Uwe Beck, Andreas Grieger, Thomas Laube, Stefan & Renate Keul, Jochen Bauer, Dirk Hackenberg, Renate & Dirk Ernst, Katrin & Nils Herrmann, Erhardt Alex, Matthias Gabler, Jürgen Kaufhold, Ante Sicenica, Ildi & Michael Moritz, Evi & Werner Widmayer, Martin Stark- Burghof FFM and all the others…), last not least greetings to all our fans around the world.
Robin THX: Special thanks go to mom and dad, who had to put up with me as a drum rookie and made it possible for me to go to concerts at a very young age. Also to Mario Gerhards who supported me a lifetime. Greetings to my friends and fellow musicians Marco, Florian and Oliver who have ac-companied me to this point and will continue to do so.
Jürgen THX: thanks Veronika (love of my life), Timo & Leon, my mother and my sister (I love you all). Grüße an meine engsten und besten Freunde, an Mario und an Olaf meinen Mops
Manfred THX: thanks his wife Martina for all the love & support – I love you. Greetings to Erik and Lisa. Cheers to a my fans and friends. Thanks also to Vincent Bass Guitars for making me a member of the Vincent bass guitar family and endorsement. Last not least, I wanna thank Mario Gerhards for being my musical brother, teacher and friend for 25 years.